Democracy has existed in the Czech Republic for 35 years. This year, the organisers of Korzo Národní have prepared a diverse cultural programme on Národní třída to mark this anniversary. The motto of the programme is ‘Freedom Unites Us’ (Svoboda nás spojuje). A special part of the celebrations will be the premiere of the short film of the same name, which reflects the perception of freedom across generations.
This year, the Czech Republic is celebrating 35 years of freedom. What is the state of our democracy today, and can we still value it? These are also the questions that the organisers of Díky, že můžem (Thank You That We Can) aim to raise as part of the eleventh celebration of the Velvet Revolution, with the main theme ‘Freedom Unites Us’.
‘Thirty-five years after the Velvet Revolution, we are aware of the need for social responsibility and our own commitment in the face of events in our country and around the world. Despite the positive changes after 1989, the gap in our society remains wide, and our society is divided. We are on the threshold of global changes and challenges, but we believe that together we can overcome them. Because it is freedom that unites us in these challenges,’ says Bára Stárek, Director of Díky, že můžem.

The programme of celebrations traditionally commemorates key events related to life under the communist regime and the value of the freedom gained thanks to the Velvet Revolution. It not only highlights historical milestones but also emphasises the current values of freedom and its role in today’s world.
However, the revolution did not only take place on Národní třída in Prague. The short film Svoboda nás spojuje by director Ester Valtrová shows what happened after 17 November in various parts of the Czech Republic and how freedom is perceived today by protagonists from different regions and generations. The film will be shown from 17:00 on screens provided by the creative studio 3dsense, mounted on the buildings along Národní třída. This gives visitors the opportunity to enjoy the festivities along the entire street and not just from the balcony of the Metro Palace.

This is followed by the anthem of the Velvet Revolution, Modlitba pro Martu, which is traditionally played at 17:11. Czech actress Anna Fialová will sing it from the Metro Palace, and her performance will be broadcast simultaneously on all projection screens along the entire street.
In the morning, the Velvet Brunch will take place again, with the proceeds supporting single mothers through the Fandi mámám organisation. Schoolchildren can experience an unconventional history lesson, while the youngest generation can take part in the Czech Radio podcast Děti se ptají or get creative at the UMPRUM technology centre.
The entire day of celebrations will offer a range of activities for all ages, including live interviews, podcasts and debates, exhibitions, musical performances, educational programmes, audiovisual installations, and the popular Anton VB or Václav Havel Lounge.
The full programme for the celebrations on 17 November can be found on the Korzo Národní website.